- [:en]Researchers and Graduate Students in Microfabrication Process Innovation[:fr]Chercheurs et étudiants gradués en techniques et procédés de microfabrication[:]Miniaturization and integration are the advancements that have propelled the growth of microelectronics and enabled the design of increasingly complex devices. As part of their research program, Professors Ménard and ...
- [:en]Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in Photonic Devices Design and Characterization[:fr]Étudiants gradués et stagiaires postdoctoraux en conception et caractérisation de dispositifs photoniques intégrés[:]The advancement of microfabrication technologies has triggered a revolution in the design of optical devices since it is now possible to produce systems with complex functionality on a single chip. ...
- Conception de technologies d’encapsulation multidimensionnelle configurablesContacter Yves Blaquière (UQAM), blaquiere.yves@uqam.ca, local PK-4820 Description du projet: Les technologies d’encapsulation multidimensionnelle, tel l’empilement de dés de silicium (puces), permettent de réduire significativement les dimensions et le poids, tout ...
- [:en]Graduate students in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)[:fr]Étudiants gradués en conception de microsystèmes électromécaniques[:]Like lasers or integrated circuits, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are a disruptive technology, which enhances existing systems and enables new applications. MEMS have had an increased presence in the consumer market, ...